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Invest & earn

Buying, staking, wallets – all information for investors

On this page we cordially invite all SafeCoin interested people, future SafeCoin supporters and investors to get an overview of the possibilities of benefiting from and with SafeCoin. We provide information for how to buy Safecoin and why and how to stake SafeCoin. Of course, therefore, the choice and the set up of your wallet is also unavoidable.

Get deeper into SafeCoin and learn how you can invest in and earn with the first community version of Solanas Blockchain.

On this page

Buying SafeCoin

You want to know, on which exchanges you can buy SafeCoin? What are the different steps that you are facing until you get your first SafeCoins? We will guide you through – and tell you, why SafeTrade is the perfect place to buy SafeCoin. 

Learn where and how to buy Safecoin

Staking SafeCoins

You want to be an active part of the SafeCoin network? How about becoming a staker? Learn more about the Proof-of-Stake concept in general and why staking SafeCoins in particular makes you earn rewards and gain an passive income. 

Staking SafeCoin

Wallets for SafeCoin

We encourage you to to learn more about the right wallet type for every use case before you start investing. And we highly recommend to store SafeCoins on a Ledger Nano. You wonder how you can get SafeCoins on it or which Ledger is the best for SafeCoin? We guide you through this and the concepts of wallets. 

Learn more about wallets

Frequently asked questions

What you also wanted to know about SafeCoin in short answers. 

What is SafeCoin?

SafeCoin is the first community version of solanas blockchain. Therefore, it is a proof of stake cryptocurrency that is fast, environmentally friendly, private, accessible and affordable. Therefore it can be scaled up easily, which is why it is the foundation of all SafeCoin projects. 

Learn more about SafeCoin

Where can I buy SafeCoin?

You can buy SafeCoin with ease on Safe.Trade and on other DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges) like Crex24 and Graviex. For more information and a detailed step by step manual on how to get SafeCoin, please click on buy SafeCoin.

Why should I stake SafeCoins?

SafeCoin is not only a cryptocurrency. We do offer much more. As a result of our project we also offer SafeChat, a open-source video conferencing solution for private discussion and SafeBridge, a new standard in secure interoperability. 

Of course, SafeTrade, the secure centralized cryptocurrency exchange, should also be mentioned at this point.

About staking SafeCoin How to stake SafeCoin